Master Planning
As a project is developed, it’s important to consider future growth and expansion. Development of early phases should facilitate and flow into later phases rather than impede future development. To accomplish this, SLI leads you through the following steps of master planning:
Capturing the Vision
- Interview representatives to identify short and long term objectives
- Study growth projections
- Analyze demographics to determine their impact on the master plan
- Quantify the vision
Evaluating Existing Land and Facilities
- Determine capacities of existing facilities and the site
- Study traffic patterns and circulation
- Research regulatory requirements
- Make recommendations for planned uses
Matching the Vision with Existing Capacities
- Determine the best utilization of the site for new facilities, parking, circulation and green space
- Develop phasing plans for development
Preparing Preliminary Plans
- Develop the master site plan
- Develop preliminary space plans with room configurations and furniture layouts
- Develop building elevations and colored renderings
Preparing Cost Estimates
- Develop a detailed scope of work
- Estimate the costs for the development